A parodia definitiva do Gangnam Style: Kim Jong Style!
O fenómeno musical do Gangnam Style, que xa superou os 264 millóns de reproducións en YouTube, acumula parodias en YouTube que tamén teñen centos de milleiros de reproducións, pero...
O fenómeno musical do Gangnam Style, que xa superou os 264 millóns de reproducións en YouTube, acumula parodias en YouTube que tamén teñen centos de milleiros de reproducións, pero hai pouco publicaron unha que destaca sobre todas as demais, porque no se limitou a imitar o vídeo musical de PSY, senón que tamén engadiulle unha letra moi divertida (con certa carga política):
I am Kim Jeong-Un and I’m not here to amuse ya,
No, not Kim Jeong-Il sorry for the confusion.
Everybody thinks South Korea makes the best K-pop.
You know who does a better job? Do you?
I’ll give you a guess
It’s a country whose number one export is nuclear tests
The national pastime of the people is to be oppressed
Did you guess North Korea congrats cuz you are the best!
You passed the test!
And I’m the leader,
The Great Successor
Who’d have known? Me!
I should have known! Yay!
I’d run for office,
but who’d oppose me?
Any of You? Nay!
How bout you? Nay!
Because just like Thor God of Thunder my Father chose chose chose chose me
KPOP Kim Jong Style!
Kim Jong Style!!
Walk-walk-walk-walk Walking Kim Jong Style
Let’s chill for a while
Back to work!
Hey check out our Navy
Fire Fire Shoot Fire Fire
Wiping out hostiles
And nobody’s lazy
Work-work sleep then work, torture!
I think you thought the Kim Jong age was almost done.
But just like Friends or Seinfeld it is only a rerun.
Cuz I’m just like my father and his father Kim Il Sung,
‘cept they call me Kim Jong Fun, number one!
I got awesome hair
My daddy willed it to me because I’m his awesome heir
You should come to North Korea because we have awesome air
It’s the only thing we have to eat because the food is scarce
Check in on Foursquare
I’m like the Beatles
I make the people
Cry and scream (yay)
See what I mean? (whew)
I go swimmin’,
I pick up women
Take off your clothes (okay)
Suck on my toes (Who, me?)
I am Kim Jong Un and I will never be depose-pose-pose-posed !!!
Dancing Single File!
Make sure and Smile!
Throw-ow-ow-ow them on the pile.
Without trial.
Kim Jong Style.
O Kim Jong Style ten todas as bazas para converterse nun super-éxito, por ser quen de parodiar a un ditador dun xeito realmente divertido (pese a que o critica non o sexa tanto). Agora só faltaría que metera o vídeo pre-cargado nos móbiles de Samsung e LG. 😀
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