¿Alguén dubidaba da sensibilidade dos soldados de G.I. Joe? ¿E do seu talento musical? Pois para matar a dous paxaros dun tiro, velaquí tendes The Ballad of G.I. Joe:...
¿Alguén dubidaba da sensibilidade dos soldados de G.I. Joe? ¿E do seu talento musical? Pois para matar a dous paxaros dun tiro, velaquí tendes The Ballad of G.I. Joe:
Night falls on G.I Joe Headquarters
Shipwreck just got season one of The Wonder Years
Doc is reading Dostoyevsky
And Snow Job’s drinking beer
(I heard he likes to drink quite a bit)
Snake Eyes is painting landscapes
It makes him feel at peace
His latest is a series of sunsets on the beach
And Scarlett lies awake and wonders
Will Duke still love me when I’m old?
I see the way he looks at Lady Jaye
Some day he’s gonna leave me in the cold….
No Duke don’t go.
Night falls on the Cobra Terror Drome
Storm Shadow’s taking out the trash
Tomax is boosting Xamots wallet
He needs the extra cash
Cobra Commander loves 70’s boo-gie
And he’s a big fan of Three Dog Night (one is the loneliest number)
When he takes over the world
The first thing he’ll do is make ‘em reunite
And Zartan sits up late and wonders
(I wonder, wonder who)
Who, who is the real me?
And in the end, do I really have any friends
Who love me for being Zartan
Who love me for being me?
Destro! Destro and the Baroness
Destro and the Baroness
Practicing the clarinet
Destro and the Baroness
Practicing the clarinet
Practicing the clarinet
They’re practicing the clarinet!
Dr. Mindbender’s talking on his ham radio
His best friend is some guy he doesn’t even know
If things could always be this way, wouldn’t that be nice?
But no dice.
Cobra’s got the M.A.S.S. Device
¿Recoñecedes a Destro e á Baronesa? ¡Son Vinnie Jones e Olivia Wilde (13 en House)! ¡Arriba eses clarinetes!
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