Porno na televisión

O tema das películas pornográficas na televisión é sempre un asunto polémico, pero hai que recoñecer que botar porno foi un dos impulsores das televisións locais, pois moita xente...

O tema das películas pornográficas na televisión é sempre un asunto polémico, pero hai que recoñecer que botar porno foi un dos impulsores das televisións locais, pois moita xente se molestou en sintonizalos para ver contidos eróticos sen baixar ó videoclub. Parecía que estas canles de televisión xa estaban apartadas da grella, pero en Madrid aguanta Canal 7:

Si, si, a canle na que botan o programa da Hornillos botan porno polas noites, como finalmente demostrou Ángel Martín (polo que non deberá ir á cadea):

Aínda así, se botan porno a altas horas da noite para gañar audiencia… ¡fan ben! Non entendo que o neguen. Outra cousa é que pase tal por accidente:

TV technician suspended after porn mix-up

AUCKLAND – A technician at a French Polynesian television station has been suspended from work after accidentally screening a porn movie he thought he was watching alone.

The incident on March 3 sparked about a dozen angry calls to the Tahiti Nui television network.

General director of TNTV Haupert Ives said the technician was suspended from work without pay for a week after the mix-up.

Ives said about three minutes of the adult programme made it to air of which 52 seconds was explicit porn.

“It is funny, yes, but not really to us,” Ives said.

The error happened about 2pm, 20 minutes after a religious programme on the channel ended.

He said the staffer made two errors that resulted in part of the porn movie making it to air.

“He had to tape a programme coming in from satellite from Paris. During this time he looked at some adult programmes on another channel,” Ives said.

“He didn’t see that he taped not the programme that came in by satellite, but the channel he was looking at. This programme was taped on the server on the computer. “His second error was that he didn’t verify the programme. Normally you tape the programme and afterwards it is verified,” Ives said.

A local union at the TV station has called on tougher action against the technician.

“Unions used this accident as an excuse to try to go on strike,” Ives said.

Esta nova publicouse no Herado de Nova Celandia e me deixou flipadísimo. Está claro que a xente que leva a continuidade dunha canle de televisión se aburre moito, pero iso de ver porno no traballo… e emitilo accidentalmente en antena despois dun programa relixioso… parece un descoido grave (que só se pagou cunha semana de suspensión). Eu, por se acaso, avisarei á xente que coñezo nese tipo de funcións para que non os pillen coas mans na… masa 😛


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