Se algo lembro ben da película de Alta Fidelidad son as frikadas de Jack Black, pero que aparte de comidias para nenos tamén ten algunha bastada mítica coma Tenacious...
Se algo lembro ben da película de Alta Fidelidad son as frikadas de Jack Black, pero que aparte de comidias para nenos tamén ten algunha bastada mítica coma Tenacious D, que foi unha serie de televisión nacida dun falso grupo musical nacido da película Bio-Dome (a grande cagada cinematográfica de Kylie Migone, con perdón a Street Fighter). A serie orixinal tería 6 episodios e logo tamén daría lugar a unha película: Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny (Tenacious D: Dando la nota). Esta peli tería que ter chegado a España este verán coincidindo coa película dos Simpson (ou sexa, que supoño que me pasou desapercibida, polo que tería que agardar ó DVD para vela) e que promete moito a tenor desta promoción:
Quen queira revisar a canción, tamén pode ver o vídeo musical: Ver letra ▼
Can’t you see he’s the man, let me hear you applaud
he is more than a man he’s a shiny golden god.
If you think its time to fucking rock, and fucking roll, out of control,
well then you know you got to rock the block,
you fucking suck my fucking cock,
‘cause when you rule, you fucking school, all of the fools, out of their jewels,
‘cause if you think it’s time to,
if you think it’s time,
if you think it’s time to fucking rock.
He is going to kick your fucking ass,
and you know his name is Kyle Gass,
rocking and fucking rolling,
and fucking rocking,
and fucking rolling,
and fucking [vocal sollo]…buberup buberrup buberup doo doodle dothdo
O fantástico clip é obra do autor de Ren e Stimpy (John Kricfalusi), que tamén fixo para eles o Fuck her gently: Ver letra ▼
This is a song for the ladies
But fellas listen closely
You don’t always have to fuck her hard
In fact sometimes that’s not right to do
Sometimes you’ve got to make some love
And fuckin give her some smoochies too
Sometimes ya got to squeeze
Sometimes you’ve got to say please
Sometime you’ve got to say hey
I’m gonna Fuck you softly
I’m gonna screw you gently
I’m gonna hump you sweetly
I’m gonna ball you discreetly
And then you say hey I bought you flowers
And then you say wait a minute sally
I think I got somethin in my teeth
Could you get it out for me
That’s fuckin teamwork
Whats your favorite posish?
That’s cool with me
Its not my favorite
But I’ll do it for you
Whats your favorite dish?
Im not gonna cook it
But ill order it from Zanzibar
And then I’m gonna love you completely
And then I’ll fuckin fuck you discreetly
And then I’ll fucking bone you completely
But then I’m gonna fuck you hard
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