Acabo de ver na televisión o anuncio do novo Seat Altea XL e agora non podo deixar de cantar iso de “los animales de dos en dos, uah, uah“:
Logo comecei a darlle á cachola e non atopaba de qué película de debuxos animados podería ser a canción, pois tiña pinta de estar sacada dalgunha da Disney, e déuseme por mirar na Rede, e outros tiveron a mesma inquedanza, polo que agora xa sei que o tema está inspirado nunha divertida canción infantil chamada The Animals Went In Two By Two:
The animals went in two by two, hurrah, hurrah,
The animals went in two by two, hurrah, hurrah.
The animals went in two by two,
The elephant and the kangaroo
And they all went into the ark,
For to get out of the rain.
The animals went in three by three …
The wasp, the ant and the bumble bee …
The animals went in four by four …
The hippopotamus stuck in the door …
The animals went in five by five …
By eating all day they kept alive …
The animals went in six by six …
The hyena laughed at the monkey´s tricks …
The animals went in seven by seven …
The little pig thought it was going to heaven …
The animals went in eight by eight…
They hurried and hustled because it was late …
The animals went in nine by nine …
Old Noah shouted “Cut that line!” …
The animals went in ten by ten …
If you like this song you can sing it again …
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